Compose a letter. You have 30 minutes for this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen pal

Compose a letter. You have 30 minutes for this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen pal, Andrew, who talks about his familys business and his uncertainty about his future career plans. Write a letter responding to his three questions about your career aspirations, parental advice, and your willingness to take on certain jobs. Write a letter of 100–120 words, following the guidelines for letter writing.

Подробный ответ:

Sure, let’s break down this task step by step to help you understand how to compose a letter to your pen pal, Andrew.

Step 1: Understand the Task

You need to write a letter in response to Andrew’s letter. He mentioned three specific questions:

  1. Your career plans.
  2. Your parents’ career advice for you.
  3. Whether there are any jobs you wouldn’t agree to do and why.

Step 2: Format the Letter

A standard letter typically has three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the closing.

Step 3: Address Your Pen Pal

Start with a greeting. Since you’re writing to Andrew, you can begin with «Dear Andrew,» or simply «Hi Andrew,» depending on how informal you want your letter to be.

Step 4: Respond to Andrew’s Questions

In the body of your letter, address each of Andrew’s questions one by one. Here’s a sample response for each question:

  1. Career Plans: You can write about what you want to be when you grow up. For example, «I want to become a teacher because I love helping others learn.»

  2. Parental Advice: Mention what your parents advise you about your future career. For instance, «My parents encourage me to pursue a career in medicine because they believe it’s a stable and rewarding profession.»

  3. Willingness to Take on Certain Jobs: Discuss if there are any jobs you wouldn’t want to do and explain why. For example, «I wouldn’t want to work in a job that involves a lot of travel because I prefer staying close to my family.»

Step 5: Keep it Within the Word Limit

Make sure your letter is between 100-120 words. Use concise language and avoid unnecessary details.

Step 6: Use Proper Closing

Finish your letter with a closing. For instance, you can write, «Best regards,» or «Sincerely,» followed by your name.

Step 7: Proofread Your Letter

Before submitting your letter, carefully proofread it for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

So, in summary, you need to write a letter to Andrew, addressing his questions about your career plans, parental advice, and your willingness to take on certain jobs, while keeping your response within 100-120 words and following the proper letter-writing format.

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Один комментарий

  1. Конечно, разберем задачу по шагам, чтобы легче было понять.

    Шаг 1: Прочитай письмо от Андрея о его семейном бизнесе и планах на будущее.

    Шаг 2: Напиши ответ на три вопроса: о своих карьерных амбициях, советах от родителей и готовности брать на себя определенные работы.

    Шаг 3: Следуй указанным правилам и напиши письмо длиной 100-120 слов.

    Готово, теперь можно приступать к написанию ответа Андрею.


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