How can these sentences be shortened or made more clear?The deadline for the human resource development project newspaper is Friday at 4:00.Senator Martins greater interest in economic development sometimes leads him to neglect the environment.The tribes emphasized survival, mutual aid, and responsibility.Coach Thompson was a brilliant strategist, a caring mentor, and a friend.In the past, science was taught using textbooks, but now it employs the laboratory method.Jim decided to get married again when his son turned one.John worked in a national forest last summer, possibly indicating his career choice.The soldiers burned a refugee camp, which ultimately caused the war.Despite the heavy rain, I went for a long walk because I needed the exercise.American women have been dyeing their hair for years, whereas American men have only recently started coloring theirs.
Точный ответ:
Конечно, давайте рассмотрим, как можно сократить или улучшить понимание данных предложений:
The deadline for the human resource development project newspaper is Friday at 4:00.
- Улучшенная версия: The newspaper for the human resource development project is due by 4:00 PM on Friday.
- Пояснение: Мы объединили информацию о газете и сроке сдачи в одно предложение, что делает его более легким для понимания.
Senator Martin’s greater interest in economic development sometimes leads him to neglect the environment.
- Улучшенная версия: Senator Martin’s stronger focus on economic development sometimes results in environmental neglect.
- Пояснение: Мы переформулировали предложение, чтобы яснее выразить причинно-следственную связь.
The tribes emphasized survival, mutual aid, and responsibility.
- Улучшенная версия: The tribes stressed survival, helping each other, and being responsible.
- Пояснение: Здесь мы заменили «mutual aid» на «helping each other» для большей ясности.
Coach Thompson was a brilliant strategist, a caring mentor, and a friend.
- Улучшенная версия: Coach Thompson was not only a brilliant strategist but also a caring mentor and a friend.
- Пояснение: Добавили слово «not only» для подчеркивания, что он был не только стратегом.
In the past, science was taught using textbooks, but now it employs the laboratory method.
- Улучшенная версия: Science used to be taught with textbooks, but now it’s taught using the laboratory method.
- Пояснение: Переформулировали, чтобы легче было уловить изменение в методах обучения.
Jim decided to get married again when his son turned one.
- Улучшенная версия: Jim chose to remarry when his son reached the age of one.
- Пояснение: Заменили «got married again» на «chose to remarry» для большей ясности.
John worked in a national forest last summer, possibly indicating his career choice.
- Улучшенная версия: John worked in a national forest last summer, which might indicate his career path.
- Пояснение: Добавили «which might» для уточнения вероятности связи с выбором карьеры.
The soldiers burned a refugee camp, which ultimately caused the war.
- Улучшенная версия: The soldiers burning a refugee camp ultimately led to the war.
- Пояснение: Упростили конструкцию для ясности причины и следствия.
Despite the heavy rain, I went for a long walk because I needed the exercise.
- Улучшенная версия: Despite the heavy rain, I went for a long walk to get some exercise.
- Пояснение: Переформулировали, чтобы более ясно выразить цель прогулки.
American women have been dyeing their hair for years, whereas American men have only recently started coloring theirs.
- Улучшенная версия: American women have been dyeing their hair for years, while American men have only recently started coloring their own hair.
- Пояснение: Добавили «own» для ясности и упростили структуру предложения.
Эти улучшения делают предложения более ясными и компактными, что улучшает их читаемость и понимание.