A false belief held by peopleProne to sudden and unpredictable change or dangerCausing feelings of shame and embarrassmentAn individual who opposes violence and refuses to participate in warsTo separate or fragment something into multiple partsA topic, viewpoint, or decision that elicits disapproval or disagreement among peopleDesigned to undermine the authority or influence of a government or a beliefA person or group advocating for significant political or social changesTo fail a test or courseof poor quality or unpleasantTo decline or reject an offer or requestTo engage in a specific course of actionTo experience a shortage or insufficiency of something requiredAn individual whose job is to clandestinely gather information about a country or organizationTo provide money, goods, or time and effort to achieve a goal
Детальное объяснение:
Sure, here are the meanings of the given words or phrases:
- Myth: A false belief held by people.
- Precarious: Prone to sudden and unpredictable change or danger.
- Humiliating: Causing feelings of shame and embarrassment.
- Pacifist: An individual who opposes violence and refuses to participate in wars.
- Split: To separate or fragment something into multiple parts.
- Controversial: A topic, viewpoint, or decision that elicits disapproval or disagreement among people.
- Subversive: Designed to undermine the authority or influence of a government or a belief.
- Radical: A person or group advocating for significant political or social changes.
- Flunk: To fail a test or course.
- Lousy: of poor quality or unpleasant.
- Turn down: To decline or reject an offer or request.
- Pursue: To engage in a specific course of action.
- Lack: To experience a shortage or insufficiency of something required.
- Spy: An individual whose job is to clandestinely gather information about a country or organization.
- Contribute: To provide money, goods, or time and effort to achieve a goal.
Это кажется описанием понятий или определений, связанных с различными темами, и их значениями в контексте общих знаний.
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