Collaborate with a partner. Analyze and find similarities and differences between the two structures mentioned in the

Collaborate with a partner. Analyze and find similarities and differences between the two structures mentioned in the passages. Utilize active and passive forms of present simple, past simple, and present perfect tenses. A: Both constructions have a focus on sustainability. B: Indeed, Khan Shatyr is located in Astana, Kazakhstan, while the Crystal is situated in London, UK.

Точный ответ:

Work together with a classmate. Let’s break down this task step by step:

  1. Collaborate with a partner: This means you should work with a friend or classmate, not alone.

  2. Analyze and find similarities and differences between the two structures mentioned in the passages: You need to examine and identify what is the same and what is different between the two buildings described in the texts.

  3. Utilize active and passive forms of present simple, past simple, and present perfect tenses: This part asks you to use different verb tenses while discussing the buildings. Here’s a brief explanation of these tenses:

    • Present Simple: Used for general facts or habits. For example, «The Khan Shatyr is in Astana.»
    • Past Simple: Used for actions that happened and were completed in the past. For example, «The Crystal was built in 2012.»
    • Present Perfect: Used for actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past and are still relevant now. For example, «The Khan Shatyr has become a popular tourist attraction.»
  4. A: Both constructions have a focus on sustainability: A is saying that both buildings care about the environment or being eco-friendly.

  5. B: Indeed, Khan Shatyr is located in Astana, Kazakhstan, while the Crystal is situated in London, UK: B is providing specific information about the locations of the two buildings. The Khan Shatyr is in Kazakhstan, and the Crystal is in the UK.

So, in summary, you and your partner need to work together to compare and contrast the two buildings mentioned in the texts. You should discuss their similarities and differences, use different verb tenses when talking about them, and consider their locations.

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комментария 2

  1. Работайте с партнером. Разберем эту задачу по шагам: Сотрудничайте с партнером — это значит, что вам нужно работать в паре.


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