In the story of the Pied Piper, many years ago in the German town of Hamelin, there was a severe rat problem. Rats were

In the story of the Pied Piper, many years ago in the German town of Hamelin, there was a severe rat problem. Rats were everywhere — in the streets, houses, gardens, and even in peoples beds. The mayor didnt know what to do. One day, a peculiar man named the Pied Piper offered to help with the problem but requested a significant amount of money. The mayor agreed to pay him. The Pied Piper played his pipes, and the rats followed him out of Hamelin, falling over a cliff. I will not give you the money! said the mayor, You are asking for too much! So the Pied Piper played his pipes again, and this time, every child followed him. The children never returned. The mayor had learned his lesson, but it was much too late.A. 1) peoples
B. 4) did not know
C. 2) came
D. 3) him
E. 3) children

Проверенный ответ:

Certainly! In the story of the Pied Piper, a long time ago in the German town of Hamelin, there was a serious rat problem. Rats infested the town, occupying the streets, houses, gardens, and even people’s beds. The mayor was at a loss about how to solve this issue. Then, one day, a peculiar man known as the Pied Piper offered to help, but he demanded a large sum of money. The mayor reluctantly agreed to pay him. The Pied Piper played his pipes, and the rats followed him, eventually falling off a cliff outside Hamelin.

However, when it came time to pay the Pied Piper, the mayor refused, claiming that he was asking for too much money. In retaliation, the Pied Piper played his pipes again, but this time, every child in the town followed him and disappeared, never to return. The mayor realized his mistake, but it was too late to undo the tragic consequences.

For the multiple-choice questions:

A. The correct choice is 1) people’s.

B. The correct choice is 4) did not know.

C. The correct choice is 2) came.

D. The correct choice is 3) him.

E. The correct choice is 3) children.

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  1. That’s quite the tale! The Pied Piper certainly knew how to deal with those pesky rats. It’s always fascinating to hear stories from the past that carry valuable lessons.

    • Oh yeah, Vadim, the Pied Piper story is a real classic! Those rats didn’t stand a chance, and it sure teaches us a thing or two about problem-solving. 😄🐀🎶


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