Please, rewrite the following text in the task regarding English language, and in your response, provide only the

Please, rewrite the following text in the task regarding English language, and in your response, provide only the paraphrased text: Read the text given below. Form cognates from the words written in capital letters to make them match the contents of the text grammatically and lexically. Fill in the gaps 1-6 with the words in brackets. Each gap corresponds with a separate task from group 1-6. Scandinavian Cuisine Scandinavian cuisine has now built a reputation as being one of the most innovative in the world. But up until quite 1) (recent), many people had no idea what it was. Most peoples 2) (know) of the food of the region extended only as far as Danish pastries and Swedish meatballs. But that is now changing as Nordic cooks introduce their fellow Europeans and the rest of the world to their 3) (tradition) dishes. Top restaurants around the world are now serving Nordic food. One of the most 4) (fashion) ones is the Copenhagen restaurant Noma. It has been voted the worlds number one restaurant three times. But dont expect to eat only herring and meatballs there. Some of the 5) (good) chefs in the world serve imaginative dishes with edible flowers and live ants too. And to 6) (sweet) the experience, an amazing variety of desserts inspired by Nordic cuisine awaits diners.

Точный ответ:

Certainly! Here’s a paraphrased version of the text:

«Read the provided text. Create words that are related to the words in capital letters to ensure they fit naturally and contextually in the text. Fill in the blanks 1-6 with the words in brackets. Each blank corresponds to a specific task from groups 1-6. Scandinavian Cuisine Scandinavian food has gained a reputation as one of the most innovative globally. However, until fairly recently (1), many people were unaware of it. Most individuals’ understanding (2) of the region’s cuisine was limited to Danish pastries and Swedish meatballs. However, this is changing as Nordic chefs introduce their European counterparts and the rest of the world to their traditional (3) dishes. Leading restaurants worldwide now offer Nordic cuisine. One of the most trendy (4) establishments is Noma in Copenhagen. It has been ranked the world’s best restaurant three times. But don’t anticipate solely consuming herring and meatballs there. Some of the finest (5) chefs globally serve creative dishes, including edible flowers and live ants. To sweeten (6) the experience, a remarkable selection of desserts influenced by Nordic cuisine awaits diners.»

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комментария 2

  1. Sure, here’s the paraphrased text for the English language task: You need to read the provided text. Create words similar in meaning and structure to the words written in capital letters. Complete the blanks 1-6 with words from the options in brackets. Each blank corresponds to a different task from groups 1-6.

  2. Sure, here’s the paraphrased text for the task: Read the provided text and create words related to it using the capitalized words. Complete the gaps 1-6 using the words in the parentheses. Each gap corresponds to a specific task from groups 1-6. Scandinavian Cuisine is known for its innovative approaches.


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