Sure, heres the paraphrased text: Many different countries have a national day, and 12th June is one of the most recent

Sure, heres the paraphrased text: Many different countries have a national day, and 12th June is one of the most recent ones. This is when the Russian people commemorate the start of modern Russian democracy. On this date in 1990, a document declaring Russian state sovereignty was signed by the countrys leaders, marking the beginning of the new Russia as a nation. In 1994, 12th June was declared a public holiday, and three years later, someone proposed changing the name of the day from the original Day of Signing the Declaration of State Sovereignty. This change was eventually made in 2002, and it is now known as Russia Day. Its a national holiday, so most banks, schools, and public offices are closed. Public transport usually runs with reduced schedules. The Russian flag is flown, and the two-headed eagle, the symbol of the Russian Federation, is displayed everywhere. The state organizes various events to celebrate this day. In Moscow, theres a big parade, and sporting events often take place near the Kremlin. The Russian president addresses the nation and presents medals and awards to important figures in the arts and sciences. People celebrate in various ways, including musical events, fireworks, traditional clothing, dances, pop concerts, or picnics. Some use the day to raise awareness about environmental issues while expressing national pride. Russian communities abroad also celebrate Russia Day, fostering closer ties between nations. Despite the diverse celebrations, the days true meaning lies in celebrating the countrys past, present, future, and its people.Now, lets answer the questions:No information is provided about whether other countries celebrate a national day on 12th June, so the answer is not stated.The text does not mention the specific day of the week for Russia Day in 2002, so the answer is not stated.The text states that public transport still runs but with reduced timetables in most places, so the answer is true.The text mentions that the Russian president addresses the nation, but it doesnt specify the time of day, so the answer is not stated.The text mentions that firework displays are common across the country, so the answer is false (there are more than a few).The text mentions that some Russian communities abroad also celebrate Russia Day, so the answer is true.The text mentions that the 2012 dinner in Chicago helped bring Russians and Americans closer together, so the answer is true.The text doesnt provide information about changes in the level of celebration over time, so the answer is not stated.

Пошаговое решение:

Certainly! Here’s a detailed explanation:

The text discusses the celebration of Russia Day, which falls on 12th June. This day commemorates the start of modern Russian democracy when, in 1990, Russian state sovereignty was officially declared through the signing of a document by the country’s leaders. This marked the beginning of Russia as a nation in its current form.

In 1994, 12th June was designated as a public holiday. Three years later, in 1997, there was a proposal to change the name of the holiday from the original «Day of Signing the Declaration of State Sovereignty.» This name change was eventually implemented in 2002, and it became known as «Russia Day.»

Russia Day is a national holiday, which means that most banks, schools, and public offices are closed for the day. While public transport continues to operate, it often runs on reduced schedules in many places.

During the celebrations, you can see the Russian flag flying high, and the two-headed eagle, the symbol of the Russian Federation, is prominently displayed throughout the country. The government organizes various events to mark this day, including a grand parade in Moscow and sporting events near the Kremlin. The Russian president addresses the nation and honors important figures in the arts and sciences with medals and awards.

People celebrate Russia Day in diverse ways. Some enjoy musical events and firework displays, while others embrace their cultural heritage by wearing traditional clothing and performing traditional dances from different regions. Pop concerts and picnics are also popular ways to celebrate. Some individuals take advantage of the day to raise awareness about environmental issues while expressing their national pride.

Interestingly, Russian communities abroad also participate in celebrating Russia Day. For instance, in 2012, there was a formal dinner in Chicago, USA, attended by VIPs representing both the United States and Russia. This event aimed to bring Russians and Americans closer together through cultural exchange, including Russian classical music performances and traditional Russian dishes.

In conclusion, Russia Day is a significant national holiday in Russia, celebrating the country’s history, present achievements, future aspirations, and, most importantly, its people.

Now, regarding the quiz questions:

  1. The text does not provide information about whether other countries celebrate a national day on 12th June, so the answer is «not stated.»

  2. The specific day of the week for Russia Day in 2002 is not mentioned in the text, so the answer is «not stated.»

  3. The text indicates that public transport operates on reduced timetables in most places on 12th June, so the answer is «true.»

  4. The text mentions that the Russian president addresses the nation but does not specify the time of day, so the answer is «not stated.»

  5. The text states that firework displays are common across the country, so the answer is «false» (there are more than a few).

  6. The text mentions that some Russian communities abroad also celebrate Russia Day, so the answer is «true.»

  7. The text indicates that the 2012 dinner in Chicago helped bring Russians and Americans closer together, so the answer is «true.»

  8. The text does not provide information about changes in the level of celebration over time, so the answer is «not stated.»

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